We were recently chatting with a friend of ours, Jim Keplinger, about Generative AI tools, uses, and functions. This is an area where the team at Winslow Ranch Marketing is still finding its way through and figuring out how to capitalize on adopting tools in ways to make our jobs more efficient and useful to our clients in this new age.

Jim and his wife Lisa own and operate very successful businesses in our hometown, and Jim has a very thorough understanding of the world of all things Generative AI. We asked him to put together an article to give some background on Generative AI and how large language models tools like ChatGPT can be helpful for small businesses by enhancing customer engagement, loyalty, and sales, and how it can transform product descriptions from generic to captivating.

Take it away, Jim!

Ah, the digital age! A time when businesses, big and small, are turning to technology to gain an edge (as opposed to every other technical advancement in history we just ignored, right? No, of course not…but this is special). As the landscape evolves, staying updated with the latest tools and trends is not just beneficial—it’s essential. Enter ChatGPT (https://chat.openai.com), a game-changer in the realm of AI-driven chatbots. But what makes it so special? Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together and get a high-level view with a few tips and tricks along the way (future articles will build on this with more specific use cases)

Before We Begin: Introduction to Large Language Models

The Rise of AI in Business

In the past decade, the business landscape has witnessed a seismic shift, largely driven by the rapid advancements in technology. At the forefront of this revolution is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Gone are the days when AI was merely a fantastical concept, confined to the imaginative realms of sci-fi movies. Today, it stands as a tangible force, reshaping industries and redefining traditional business paradigms.

The integration of AI into the business world isn’t just about robots and automation; it’s about harnessing the power of data-driven insights to make informed decisions. Every day, businesses generate vast amounts of data, from customer interactions to sales metrics. AI tools, with their sophisticated algorithms, can sift through this data, identifying patterns and trends that might elude the human eye. This capability is not just about predicting market movements; it’s about understanding customer behavior, optimizing supply chains, and even forecasting potential challenges.

For small businesses, the advent of AI has been nothing short of a game-changer. Historically, larger corporations, with their deeper pockets and expansive resources, have dominated the market. However, AI is leveling this uneven playing field. With cost-effective AI tools, small businesses can now automate routine tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources. This newfound efficiency allows them to focus on innovation, customer engagement, and other core aspects that drive growth.

Moreover, AI’s predictive capabilities empower small businesses to anticipate market shifts and adapt accordingly. By understanding customer preferences and buying habits, they can tailor their offerings, ensuring they meet the ever-evolving demands of their clientele. In essence, AI tools are not just about keeping pace with larger corporations; they’re about carving a unique niche, ensuring sustainability and growth in a competitive market.

The rise of AI in the business realm is not a fleeting trend; it’s a transformative force, one that promises a brighter, more efficient future for businesses, big and small.

Why ChatGPT?

In the vast sea of AI tools, ChatGPT stands out like a beacon. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is not just another chatbot—it’s a revolution in Large Language Models (LLMs). Unlike its predecessors, ChatGPT understands context (including slang, colloquialisms, and, thankfully, misspellings), making interactions feel more human. For businesses, this means potential for dramatically more personal and enhanced customer engagement, leading to increased loyalty and sales. And the best part? With ChatGPT 3.5 (the free tier of ChatGPT), even small businesses can harness its power without breaking the bank (it’s free!), or for $20 a month you can subscribe for even more power (MORE POWER!!!). There are absolutely other LLMs available to you Anthropic’s Claude 2 and Google’s Bard being two of the most popular and both are equally free as of this writing (August 2023), however ChatGPT is far and away the most used and popular so I will be sticking with it through this and future articles, though the prompts and ideas will likely work for all of them with similar results so use what makes you happy.

Understanding ChatGPT: The New Age Chatbot

Defining ChatGPT

At its core, ChatGPT stands as a testament to the marvels of modern technology. It’s not just any chatbot; it’s an intricately designed system that crafts human-like text responses based on the myriad of inputs it receives. But to label it merely as a chatbot would be an understatement. ChatGPT is a symphony of algorithms and data, working in harmony to understand the intricate layers of human communication.

While traditional chatbots operate within the confines of pre-set scripts, often leading to monotonous and predictable interactions, ChatGPT breaks these chains. It delves deep into the nuances of language, grasping context, discerning emotion, and even detecting subtleties that many conventional chatbots would overlook. This ability to “read between the lines” sets it apart in the realm of digital communication.

Remember the times when chatting with a bot felt like talking to a wall, with its repetitive and often irrelevant responses? ChatGPT is the antithesis of that experience. Instead of robotic, canned replies, it offers dynamic, adaptive interactions that evolve with the conversation. This adaptability ensures that digital dialogues, instead of feeling cold and impersonal, resonate with a warmth and genuineness, almost mirroring a conversation with a real human.

System Requirements

One of the many beauties of ChatGPT 3.5 is its cloud-based architecture. This means you don’t need a supercomputer or a vast IT team to get it up and running. Minimal system requirements ensure that businesses of all sizes, even those with limited resources, can seamlessly integrate ChatGPT into their operations. It’s all about making advanced tech accessible to all. There’s official apps (by OpenAI accept no substitutes, clones, or get-rich-quick schemes they are FREE!) for both Android and iOS and of course you can use your browser of choice on your computer or phone as well (I like to use Chrome on my phone to access ChatGPT occasionally and it works a treat).

Key Benefits of ChatGPT for Enhanced Business Operations

In today’s digital age, customer interactions are not limited to physical stores or phone calls. Online interactions, especially through chatbots, play a pivotal role. ChatGPT takes these interactions to the next level. Imagine a customer support system that’s available 24/7, understands your customers’ needs, and provides instant, relevant responses. That’s the power of ChatGPT.

Using ChatGPT for Product / Service Descriptions

In the bustling world of small business, it’s a safe bet you’ve already moved a portion of your business online, if only to passively capture customers to come to your brick-and-mortar location or give you a call. For example, at That’s the Rub more than 85% of our clients find us online, where they read our service descriptions, find out about our therapists, and explore other things we offer to the wellness community of Bloomington, Indiana. Importantly, we do not (currently) offer products for sale, but our services are bookable online, so this lesson absolutely applies to us and therefore, I bet, to you too!

Whether you think of yourself as an e-commerce business or not isn’t as important as how your customers interact with you and discover what you do and sell… if it’s online (you know, your website or even Facebook page), you’re an e-commerce business, therefore product descriptions play a pivotal role to how your clients will find you. IMPORTANT! For the rest of this guide, I will refer to these as “products” but I trust you’re savvy enough to swap out “service” if that applies to you. They’re not just a list of specifications or features; they’re the narrative that introduces your product to potential customers. A well-crafted product description paints a vivid picture, allowing customers to visualize the product’s benefits and how it fits into their lives. It’s the bridge between seeing a product and imagining owning it.

However, crafting the perfect product description isn’t just about listing features. It’s about telling a story, evoking emotions, and resonating with the reader’s needs and desires. A compelling product description can be the difference between a browser and a buyer. It can influence purchasing decisions, enhance brand loyalty, and elevate the overall shopping experience.

The Limitations of Traditional Product Descriptions

Traditionally, businesses have relied on standard templates or generic descriptions, often resulting in bland and uninspiring narratives. These descriptions, while factual, lack the emotional appeal and personal touch that modern consumers crave. They fail to capture the essence of the product, leaving potential customers disengaged and uninterested. Many of us (I’m looking in the mirror here) have often relied on the manufacturer’s description to suffice, after all, they made it so they must know, right? WRONG! They know what they want you to think of their product and they know what they think your clients might think of their product, but who knows your client better than you? No one! So today we’re going to write up products targeted to your clients.

Moreover, with the rise of e-commerce platforms, consumers are bombarded with countless product options daily. In such a saturated market, generic descriptions can cause products to blend into the background, making them indistinguishable from competitors. This lack of differentiation can lead to missed sales opportunities and reduced brand visibility. In the world of search engines and billions of websites out there, how will you make your content stand out if all your descriptions are literally the same as everyone else’s?

Introducing ChatGPT as a Solution to the Mundane Description

Enter ChatGPT (play superhero them song of your choice), a game-changer in the realm of content creation. Unlike traditional methods that often produce cookie-cutter descriptions, ChatGPT harnesses the power of AI to craft unique, engaging narratives tailored to each product. It understands the nuances of language, ensuring that each description is not only informative but also emotionally resonant. And it does it with YOUR business in mind.

For businesses, this means no more settling for one-size-fits-all descriptions. With ChatGPT, you can generate product narratives that truly reflect the essence and value of what you’re offering. Whether it’s highlighting a unique feature, telling a product’s backstory, or evoking a specific emotion, ChatGPT ensures that your product stands out in a crowded marketplace.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using ChatGPT for Product Descriptions

Setting Up ChatGPT for Product Descriptions

To begin, you’ll need to access the ChatGPT platform (it hasn’t moved, but just in case you didn’t bookmark it it’s still at https://chat.openai.com). If you haven’t already, sign up and create an account.

Next, familiarize yourself with the platform’s interface. While ChatGPT is user-friendly, taking a few minutes to explore its features can enhance your experience. Look for options related to content generation, input parameters, and output settings. These will be crucial in the next steps.

Once logged in, click the NEW CHAT button in the upper left-hand corner (actually, there’s a text entry box at the bottom of the page you can just start typing into as well) and let’s start building your first product description prompt.

Feeding Information to ChatGPT: The Usual Way (not bad, good to know info)

Let’s start with an explanation of the “usual way”, then I’m going to give you a better one!

It’s time to provide ChatGPT with the necessary information. Start by listing the key features and benefits of your product. Be as detailed as possible, ensuring you cover all aspects that potential customers might find relevant. Remember, the more information you provide, the more detailed and accurate the generated description will be. This is a great place to cut-and-paste the manufacturer’s description or ad copy, or perhaps something you have previously written you wish to freshen up.

For instance, if you’re selling a waterproof backpack, mention its material, size, number of compartments, weight-bearing capacity, and any unique features like anti-theft zippers or ergonomic design. Input this information into ChatGPT’s interface, ensuring you follow any specific formatting guidelines.

Generating Descriptions with ChatGPT

Once you’ve input all the necessary details, it’s time to let ChatGPT work its magic. Click on the ‘Generate’ or ‘Create’ button (it’s changed from version to version), and watch as the platform crafts a unique product description tailored to your specifications. The beauty of ChatGPT lies in its ability to produce content that’s not only accurate but also engaging and emotionally resonant.

For our waterproof backpack example, ChatGPT might produce something like: “Introducing our state-of-the-art waterproof backpack, crafted with durable materials to withstand the harshest conditions. With its multiple compartments, you’ll find a place for everything. And with its anti-theft zippers and ergonomic design, you can travel with peace of mind, knowing your belongings are safe and you’re carrying them in comfort.”

Reviewing and Refining the Output

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it’s always a good idea to review the generated content. Check for accuracy, ensure all key features are highlighted, and make sure the tone aligns with your brand voice. If there are any areas you’d like to tweak or expand upon, you can either edit the content directly or adjust your input parameters and regenerate the description.

Remember, the goal is to create a product description that not only informs but also connects with your target audience. So, take the time to refine and perfect the narrative until it resonates just right.

Examples of ChatGPT-Generated Descriptions

To truly appreciate the capabilities of ChatGPT, let’s look at some before-and-after scenarios:

  • Generic Description: “Backpack with multiple compartments. Waterproof material.

ChatGPT-Enhanced Description: “Experience the ultimate travel companion with our multi-compartment backpack. Designed with a premium waterproof material, it ensures your essentials remain dry, whether you’re caught in a downpour or embarking on a marine adventure.”

  • Generic Description: “Women’s running shoes. Breathable fabric.”

ChatGPT-Enhanced Description: “Elevate your running experience with our women’s athletic shoes. Crafted with a breathable fabric, they promise unmatched comfort, ensuring every run feels like you’re gliding on air.”

There’s no comparison, the GPT versions are better…but are they great? No, but these examples underscore the transformative power of ChatGPT. By turning bland, generic descriptions into compelling narratives, it elevates the overall shopping experience, enticing customers and driving sales. So, is there a BETTER way? Of course, there is!

Feeding Information to ChatGPT: The Better Way – It’s a Tool that Needs Guidance

There’s little doubt “The Usual Way” above is better than not using it at all, but with a bit of “prompting” (that’s the term d’art) we can get results that put those to shame. Just copy-and-paste the prompt below into ChatGPT, change the information to your own (notice how granular it gets in some places, if you have more information put in more, ChatGPT lives for better, more targeted information) and you’ll have something magical:

I need help writing an engaging and high-converting product description to be featured online. It should be two paragraphs long and include all the product details. IMPORTANT, do NOT change the name or the facts of the product.
Company: Bob’s Custom Wonders, Wowzers, & Widgets
Location: Bloomington, Indiana
Target Audience: Middle-aged men with a college education living in the Midwest who love custom widgets for their whatchamacallits and aren’t willing to compromise on quality.
Brand Voice: professional, enthusiastic, and friendly
Product Description: Basic Widget 3000: The Basic Widget 3000 is a versatile tool designed for everyday use. Made with high-quality materials, this widget is durable and built to last. Its compact design allows for easy storage, making it a must-have for both home and office use. Whether you’re a professional or a DIY enthusiast, the Basic Widget 3000 is the perfect solution for all your widget needs. Price $350.00

Once you hit submit, you’ll get back something that looks like this:

Introducing the Basic Widget 3000 by Bob’s Custom Wonders, Wowzers, & Widgets – your ultimate companion for all things whatchamacallits! Crafted with meticulous attention to detail and unwavering dedication to quality, this versatile wonder is set to revolutionize your widget game.

Built to withstand the test of time, the Basic Widget 3000 boasts top-tier materials, ensuring durability and reliability in every application. Its sleek, compact design allows for seamless integration into your daily routines, making it an indispensable addition to your home and office essentials. From seasoned professionals to DIY enthusiasts, this widget caters to all, delivering unparalleled performance no matter the task.

Step up your widget game and experience the magic of the Basic Widget 3000 – your go-to solution for all your whatchamacallit needs. Priced at an irresistible $350.00, this premium widget is the epitome of value, ensuring you never compromise on quality. Join countless satisfied customers across the Midwest who have already unlocked the potential of their whatchamacallits with Bob’s Custom Wonders, Wowzers, & Widgets. Order yours today and elevate your widget experience like never before!

There’s no question that’s better. Is it ready for prime time? Maybe, maybe that’s good enough…maybe it’s too long and needs some editing, maybe you don’t like the tone, maybe it made up some facts… CHECK IT don’t just accept it. And we haven’t even touched on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or other tricks, this is simply the basics to get the training wheels off the bike.

PRO TIP: I asked for only 2 paragraphs and I got 3…ChatGPT is TERRIBLE at counting, however it does better with counting paragraphs (a concept it understands as being sentences made up of relevant words about a subject), than words (an actual thing that might be 1 letter or 30 meaning anything at all).

Benefits and Outcomes of Leveraging ChatGPT

Harnessing ChatGPT for product descriptions offers a plethora of benefits. Beyond crafting compelling narratives, it streamlines the content creation process, saving businesses valuable time and resources. No longer do you need to spend hours brainstorming and drafting descriptions. With ChatGPT, you get quality content in a fraction of the time.

Moreover, engaging product descriptions can significantly boost conversion rates. When customers feel a connection to a product, they’re more likely to make a purchase. By resonating with their needs, desires, and emotions, ChatGPT-generated descriptions can drive sales and enhance brand loyalty.

So, the prompt was a lot longer than “The Usual Way”, and that’s ok, it’s still a time saver than writing the whole description, especially if you need to write 10 or 1000 descriptions. Now all I have to do is follow the last prompt with:

That’s great, thank you. Now please rewrite this description: Deluxe Widget Pro-X
Introducing the Deluxe Widget Pro-X, your ultimate companion for precision tasks. Crafted with state-of-the-art materials, this widget promises unmatched durability and performance. Its sleek design ensures it fits seamlessly into any workspace, while its advanced features cater to both seasoned professionals and hobbyists alike. Elevate your projects with the unmatched efficiency of the Deluxe Widget Pro-X.

And it will fill in all the custom info from the first prompt. Rince and repeat and you’ll quickly have all the descriptions you need. Go on, give it a try, I’ll wait.

Eventually, you’re going to hit the memory cap on ChatGPT (currently around 4k tokens which is about 2500 words, but this cap is rising rapidly as I write this so don’t hold me to it). If you start getting results that are “less-than” just plug the first prompt back in (with a new product description, of course you already have that one) and keep chugging along.

That’s a Wrap: Concluding Thoughts

So, here we are, my friends, the end of a long post yet relatively short introduction to ChatGPT and your first lesson on how to harness its power for the good of your business in a better way. If you’ve found this information useful, please comment below. If you have requests for more articles, please comment below, and if you’re looking to add more AI to your business ventures or need customized solutions, please drop me a line.


Jim Keplinger is co-founder and CEO of Ursarian, Inc and That’s the Rub, LLC in Bloomington Indiana. A serial entrepreneur, information scientist, consultant, college lecturer, AI geek, tech frontiersman, author, & magician. He has fun! You can reach him at www.linkedin.com/in/jimkeplinger or .